Standard: Bouquet will be delivered approximately as pictured.
Deluxe: Additional flowers will be added to enhance the bouquet.
Premium: We will add more blooms and select the highest quality flowers we offer in this style.
Bask in the brightness of Shades of Yellow, a sunny mix of yellow roses, sunflowers, and protea, accented with green trillicium and trix. This cheerful arrangement in a clear glass square is perfect to brighten any space, available in three sizes.
Flowers: Green Trillicuim, Green Trix, Yellow Roses, Sunflowers, Yellow Protea
Pictured Vase: Clear Glass Square
Standard: Bouquet will be delivered approximately as pictured.
Deluxe: Additional flowers will be added to enhance the bouquet.
Premium: We will add more blooms and select the highest quality flowers we offer in this style.
Size | Standard, Deluxe, Premium |
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